Peace In Peace Out

Changes Makers

Community Solidarity

Peace Clubs

African Peace Club
“A Peace Club” is made of peace lovers and peacemakers who envision sustainable world peace through meditation and mindfulness practices. A Peace Club is a non-political and non-religious organization. It is also a community-based group of at least 10 active members, with no age limit. Peace Clubs in Africa create changemakers that promote sustainable solutions by combining inner peace with community projects to establish better and sustainable African societies. Peace club members meet on a regular basis to reflect and take action for positive social impact.

Peace Clubs | Impact

As groups of like-minded people aiming for social change and sustainable development, Peace Clubs organize various activities including community projects for youth and women empowerment, leadership and motivational workshops, social support for vulnerable people, sensitization campaigns in schools and universities about peace, sustainable development and environment protection. Through their activities, Peace Clubs INITIATE - IMPACT - INSPIRE and CONTRIBUTE to social positive changes using meditation and mindfulness practice.
In 2022, Peace Clubs’ activities reached 39,811 people all over Africa.

Peace Clubs | Presence in Africa

Currently, there are in total 40 Peace Clubs in Africa. They range from West & Central Africa to Eastern and Southern Africa in 40 cities and 19 different countries. Check the list below to find out if there is already a Peace Club in your city or country.












Palestinian Territory

South Sudan, Republic of





Congo, (Republic of the)







Burkina Faso









United States


Quelle expérience incroyable ce fut. Je ne pouvais pas imaginer qu’en quatre jours, tant de choses pouvaient se produire - de nouveaux amis, de nouvelles expériences et une nouvelle vie. Je recommande vraiment cela à tout le monde. C'est votre chance non seulement de voir et d'apprendre quelque chose de nouveau sur le monde, mais aussi de vous découvrir

Sardor Shaahmedov


Ce fut une excellente occasion de commencer mon voyage vers la paix intérieure avec l'équipe de professionnels. Ce n'était pas un voyage dans un autre pays, mais dans un autre monde où vous êtes heureux, tous les problèmes ont disparu et vous profitez d'une amitié avec les autres et vous-même.

Andrii Lytvynenko


Aujourd'hui, je suis une jeune femme politique au sein du gouvernement local, fondatrice d'une ONG de consolidation de la paix et je me sens très bien dans mon rôle dans la société. Tout cela s'est produit, car il y a 2 ans, j'ai appris la culture du «lâcher prise». Si simple et en même temps difficile à réaliser. Essayez-le par vous-même!

Eleonora Begoyan


Une fois de plus, cela nous a rappelé que les meilleures qualités humanistes sont toutes cachées à l'intérieur de chacun, indépendamment de la nationalité, de la religion, de la culture ou des traditions. Les gens les oublient sous l'influence de différentes circonstances de la vie. Pour moi, la méditation est la meilleure façon de me comprendre et de comprendre les autres et de me souvenir des valeurs. Je suis très reconnaissant pour la retraite “Bridge Fellowship” et ceux qui ont organisé tout cela pour les autres. Indestructibles et incroyable travail!

Firuza Akram


Peace Clubs | Activities

Below are the activities of Peace Clubs around the world

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Peace Clubs | Membership Privileges

Joining or establishing a peace club offers the chance to learn by doing, to build leadership and some professional life skills through project management, peace building and community projects. Besides, peace club leaders and the members are entitled to many advantages, including:
Every year, ⅔ of the Peace Club Committee or CC are eligible to receive the scholarship for Peace Club Architect Training (PCAT) in Thailand after performing active role and responsibility for at least 6 months, finishing 42-day online self-development program, being fluent in English, and being able to perform the Peace Architect Task (or Mindfulness and Meditation Trainer) for at least one year after the training to develop the club further.
After one year of duty, Peace Architect can be the Advisor of the Club but not a part of the CC and still be able to seek financial support as of the Peace Architect. This scholarship of $3,000 includes airfare (from the country of the club to Thailand), accommodation, food, local or land transportation, and training fee, but not the visa fee.
The CC and its active members (of at least 3 months) can be considered to be WPI representatives and receive financial support in attending conferences, seminars, or forums which are related or beneficial to the club activities within the region.
According to their level and impact, Peace Clubs can also receive the WPI grant which can be used to run regular activities, organize outreach programs, or support active club members in case of accident or funeral with the consent of the club committee and the World Peace Initiative Foundation (WPI) Regional Coordinator (RC) in the region where the peace club is established.

Peace Clubs | Empowerment Bootcamp (EBC)

WPI will organize EBC with the CC of each club that has 10 active members who finish 21 days of the 42-day online self-development program at the time of the interview. Every year, 1-2 active members who attend the EBC are eligible to receive the scholarship for Peace Club Architect Training (PCAT) in Thailand after performing active role and responsibility for at least 6 months, finishing 42-day online self-development program, and being able to perform the Peace Architect Task (or Mindfulness and Meditation Trainer) for at least one year after the training to develop the club further.

Join us

Are you a peace activist living in Africa?

Would you like to learn more about peacebuilding and community service through peace clubs?

Join us to become active changemakers in your cities and countries.

Joining one of our Peace Clubs will help you develop your personal and professional skills while using meditation and mindfulness for your self-development.

Download the 2023 Peace Club Guideline to know more about WPI PEACE CLUBS, how to join one of them, or how to establish a peace club in your city/country.

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