Cæcilie Marie Johansen

Keeping Out The Thoughts

Hi everyone!

I'm on my 11th day in the self development program and I'm loving it! But I've hit a wall, because I don't know how to stop thinking - no matter how much I relax all sort of thought overwhelm my mind and I cannot connect with my center.

does anyone have any advise/experience to share or exercises I could try to keep my mind still? I so want to take my meditation further and share the peace

peace to you all :)


Submitted on 4 Oct 2013 18:05

Anghella Rubio Marín

Hi Marie, I'm on my 19th day and I still have thoughts going on while I meditated. Yesterday I could felt my center for the first time but not for longer. What I've been trying to do is wait. Be patience and eventually calm and stillness will come to you. The first days are hard to concentrate I still find it hard, but don't rush to get it and you'll. You can also watch the video from day 2, the one with the tips to meditate, like drink a glass of water or take a shower before start your session.

At least that's my experience.

Peace to you.

Submitted on 6 Oct 2013 00:16 from Ariya App

Hanan Mosallam

Hi Marie, try to make the Breath in Breath out is like a life style. So, repeat again & again the Breath practice as Breathing is like a gate to Serene Life.

As well, breath& meditate on the tempo of Spiritul Music like Sufi& hymns. Music is another gate to Serenity.

Submitted on 6 Oct 2013 01:32 from Ariya App