Taluana Wenceslau Rocha

Instructions About Ops

Hi peace coachs and peace rebels! I need more instructions about how to develop an Special Ops. I am not really sure about the purposes, the possibilites, the requirements. I would appreciate if someone help me to clarify what and how I should do to develop my Special Ops. Thank you!!! :)

Submitted on 23 Sep 2013 00:03

Kuldeep Singh

Dear Taluana, Special Ops provides the opportunity to share inner peace with your loved once (friends, family and everyone out there). This is something that you have experienced allready and some of your experinces in last one month are inspiring & beutiful. Now you may like to share your incerdble meditation experinces with others. This is a way to help others in finding their inner peace. you may call it 'Peace in Action'. you can see some example here - http://www.peacerevolution.net/modules/activities/special-ops You also have option to read more about Spl ops and write your own proposal here - http://www.peacerevolution.net/docs/en/special-ops I rejoice in you good deeds :)

Submitted on 23 Sep 2013 01:22 from Ariya App

Taluana Wenceslau Rocha

Thank you so much for the answer. I hope that now I could develop my first Special Ops. :)

Submitted on 23 Sep 2013 16:22 from Ariya App