Silvia Barrera

About Meditation... I'm New

So today was my first day meditation and I really had a hard time,

for those who have more experience... do you really feel better?? like have you noticed change in yourself.

I'd reall like to know if you had almost the same experience as me in the first day.

Thanks :D

Submitted on 6 Aug 2012 00:24

Angie Samaniego

Well, Silvia. I think it's difficult to relax sometimes because we live in a world of constant worries and responsibilities. I'm finishing my second week of IPT and let me tell you that some days I have great meditation sessions while others I still feel anxious and frustrated. However, as long as you keep practicing you will feel better and after a while you will be able to incorporate the peace time to your everyday life.

It's not easy to do so but you need you be patient and calm and follow the guidelines provided by the masters.

It's a nice and beautiful process. Hope to keep it up!

Take care!


Submitted on 6 Aug 2012 05:22 from Ariya App

Julenne Esquinca

My dear Silvia do not worry meditation is like exercise at the beginning your body can hurt but while you keep doing it you get better and better :) a monk told us sometime that meditating is having an attitude of whatever and whenever :) be open my friend and don't lose motivations

Submitted on 7 Aug 2012 01:54 from Ariya App

Antonella Galli

Hi my friend . It is difficult at the begining. In my experience I tried to control my thoughts as I saw them that they shouldn´t being there. Then it´s easier with the practice, and you can understand that thoughts are only thoughts. You don´t have to do nothing more than letting go..

Submitted on 7 Aug 2012 18:10 from Ariya App