Webmaster Peace Revolution

The 8th Full Moon Silent Party ... October 4th, 2009

At the center of every solar system, there is a sun, source of light and energy.

At the center of every atom, is a nucleus ... powerful energy, holding in orbit every particle of that atom.

At that center of your body there is a still point, a point of absolute peace…a powerful light that can be shared.

Share the light of peace on 4 October

What: Full Moon Silent Party – Full Moon Silent Party is when Peace Rebels join together for inner peace time to create and share inner peace with the world.

When: 4 October 2009 is the Peace Revolution’s 8th Full Moon Silent Party

Time: GMT 13:00The calculated local time can be found on:

Where: ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD, you can follow the live guided session led by an experienced Buddhist monk by clicking on

The live meditation session will be broadcast via internet at GMT 13:00, but this might be impractical in some areas so we propose you host your Silent Party at the MOST CONVENIENT TIME in your city. We want to encourage you to share the Silent Party with many people. This means that the Peace Revolution Crew will provide on-demand guided meditation for you on this link.

To organize a silent party is quite easy, and FREE all you have to do is,
  1. Invite Peace Rebel, friends, colleagues or family in your town or city
  2. Tell us the city or town you live in and that you intend to host a Full Moon Silent Party on the Discussion Forum (Full Moon Wall) on the PR Website.
  3. Organize a VENUE (this could be in a quiet place in your home)
  4. Organize and confirm a SUITABLE TIME.
  5. Follow the guided meditation instruction on the internet(http://www.peacerevolution2010.org/fullmoon.php).
  6. Afterwards remember to log your IPT minutes on the Peace Revolution Index, and invite the participants in your log the IPTM every day.

This is an opportunity to log your inner peace time minutes, on the PEACE REVOLUTION INDEX. We aim to log 1 MILLION MINUTES of inner peace time for 2009.


Send and share pictures of you and your friends in the peace position with us here. We have 5 Peace Revolution T-SHIRTS to give away to those upload cool pictures. (See the pictures below for the PR T-Shirt). You can also be creative and draw pictures of your meditation experiences, share it with fellow peace lovers, and peace rebels.

And the winners last month were ...

1) Peace Rebel Turyashemererwa Aber Eva from Uganda
2) Peace Rebel Anguyo Dennis from Uganda
3) Peace Rebel Yaseen Ackerman from South Africa

And if you want to really be a Peace Rebel, sign up today. YOUNG REBELS who join the self-development program for will have a chance to get limited fellowships and represent their countries in the Peace Revolution Conference in Thailand, February 2010.


See qualification at


What is inner peace?

To find the inner peace within yourself, start by sitting in a comfortable position in a place with no distractions. Rest your mind in the most comfortable place inside your body. Start uniting body and mind, and just relax and enjoy the feeling of letting go.

Sometimes life can feel like a hurricane, everything around us is just chaos, turmoil, disorder and confusion. But inner peace means, that within all the movement and chaos, you can find stillness. Very much like the EYE of the storm, where there is a great calm. To have inner peace doesn't mean that you'll never have a problem to confront, it means that when you have those problems coming up, you go within and find a stillness, a refuge or a sanctuary inside yourself. What is truly wonderful about this stillness is that it cannot be destroyed or altered by any of life's circumstances or conditions...it is your true refuge. It is a way of being, and a way of thinking. It is always there, and it has ALWAYS been there. It is who you are... IT IS AS SIMPLE as just being aware of it ...

Send waves of peace to the whole earth from the place of stillness inside you, in each of us, the same stillness.

At the center of all of us, we can find the peace point.

And that's the revolution of the evolution of peace ...

Submitted on 29 Sep 2009 13:07

Anita Nuss

Rest in your inner moonlight,

If you are in Cape Town, please join at the Ubuntu spa. 99 Kloof Street, from 6pm-7pm.

Invite friends and family too.

Thank you Peace Revolution for starting this revolutionary event.
4 more days to go till full moon day.

Submitted on 30 Sep 2009 12:51 from Ariya App