I like that picture of the Quantum Tetrahedron projected onto a sphere. That is such an interesting picture. At first when I looked at it, with that colouring it kind of resembled the moon, doesn’t it. Looking closer I noticed the tetrahedron beautifully divides the sphere into three equal parts, and is similar to a popular peace symbol.
The tetrahedron is a special shape as far as geometry is concerned, It is one of the 5 platonic solids. The platonic solids have been a favourite subject in the study of mathematical geometry because of their symmetry and aesthetic beauty. The 5 geometric shapes are characterized by being able to fit perfectly inside a sphere. This means every one of the vertices(or meeting points) touch the surface of the sphere.
What I find particularly interesting is how basic shapes and forms of life are echoed in these simple geometric designs. For eg. the ammonium-ion molecule, is in the shape of a tetrahedron. Isn’t it remarkable that if molecules are left to bind naturally, they always choose the most stable arrangements, which is that of the platonic solids!
The sphere itself is a shape that is fascinating to the point that the geometric principles of this extraordinary shape almost sounds like a philosophy class. There is no point of view given of greater or lesser importance on the sphere, and all points on the surface are equally accessible and regarded by the center....The center of a sphere is a point. All radii originate from it, and all diameters intersect or travel through this point. Because the platonic solids all fit perfectly inside the sphere, the five geometric figures share the same center-point as the sphere they are contained within. A point…a single point, is contained within any dimension…and yet, the point embraces all dimensions.
I was very intrigued when I read the work of a physicist, Dr Hans Jenny. He developed the field of study on vibrations called, cymatics. His findings were very meaningful. All he did was take a drop of ordinary water, fill it with very tiny particles called ‘colloids’, and then vibrate the water and take pictures of the resulting patterns. The picture below show some of his results(the first picture is a lower frequency, and the second picture is a higher frequency). The first picture also reminded me of Arigato’s quantum tetrahedron picture, there seem to be tetrahedron within a tetrahedron within a tetrahedron.
It is interesting that Dr Jenny’s work proved that a specific frequency always formed the same pattern. Here is a YouTube link where you can see this in action!
Amazing isn’t it! What struck me about the video was that there is a point at the very center of these shapes that doesn’t move as the frequency increases or decreases, a point at the center that always remains completely still.