
Back On The Peace Train

Hello everyone,

I just wanted to share that I have been absent from Peace Revolution and my meditation for a few months. However, I have decided today to start the second episode of the peace meditation and I am looking forward to it so much.

Good luck in your own personal PIPO,


Submitted on 20 Mar 2012 10:36

Max Raphael

Welcome back and you have my encouragement :)

Submitted on 20 Mar 2012 13:55 from Ariya App

Muhammad Salihu

I've been offline for sometimes now due to my computer failure, but I've never missed a single day meditation.

Pls how can I introduce this to somebody that is completely my (our) opposite? I mean somebody very wicked, somebody who always wants to be bad to others. Can I change someone like that? Is there any tip?

Submitted on 20 Mar 2012 22:10 from Ariya App