Emma Lau
Hi everyone :)<div><br></div><div>I just wanted to share with you a fun photo taken of me from my recent holiday to Palawan, Philippines. On the night of 25/12/10, I was meditating on the beach at night time under the moonlight. My session lasted for about an hour. I didn't realise it, but my boyfriend took a photo of me whilst I was meditating. I just yesterday managed to look through our photos now that we are back in Hong Kong and I noticed that there seems to be a light where my centre is! I will attach the photo for you to see and will try to also attach a lighter version later. It was a wonderful evening for several reasons, which I won't go into now. Anyway, just wanted to share this fun photo with you all :)</div><div><br></div><div>And a message to any new Peace Rebels: I am happy that you have found Peace Revolution. Learning to meditate (what you might know as IPT or Inner Peace Time) and finding Peace Revolution has been such an incredibly amazing experience. Keep doing the Self-Development Program - just do it. During IPT, you may gently rest your mind at the centre of your body. Some people might like to gently feel there is a star or light there. I sometimes feel a spherical space around me (thereby automatically placing the mind at the centre of the body). Well, whichever technique you do - the most important thing is to take it easy and be relaxed and fun about it. Keep it light with little effort.</div><div><br></div><div>Wishing you all many beautiful blessings, lots of love, and wonderful meditations :) </div><div><br></div><div>Peace In Peace Out.</div><div><br></div><div>Emma.</div><div><br></div>