Daniela Jimena Picoaga

Can't Upload The Pictures Of My Special OPS And Have Not Receibed A Succesfully Notification

I have organized two online special ops and have not received the e mail of a peace arquitect, althought I already done it and can't upload the pictures or the report so it can be on completally state, can somebody has the same problem or help me :)?


Submitted on 1 Oct 2018 00:34

Channary Tauch

Hi Daniela, as your proposal is still having its status as 'submitted' you won't be able to submit a report or upload any picture yet. Since you're already did it without the guide from a peace architect, I can change your special ops to offline so you can upload your report. I will let the Peace Architect know and see if they can schedule an online session with you some other time. My apologies for the inconvenience you're facing.

Submitted on 15 Oct 2018 02:06 from Ariya App