Molinge Henry Nyoki

Unable To Search For Rebel's Names In The Coaching Platform

Dear Andrii,

A lot of coaches have difficulty in searching for specific rebels to be coached in the coaching platform i.e applicants for fellowship.

Also, there is no information showing on the checklist of applicants for Amani.

Lastly, the progress of peace rebels taking the SDP in French is not visible in the both the app and checklist section of the fellowship management.

Kindly provide the solutions as soon as you can as we are working against time.



Amani FM

Submitted on 22 Apr 2016 17:13

Andrii Lytvynenko

A lot of coaches have difficulty in searching for specific rebels to be coached in the coaching platform i.e applicants for fellowship. set the region of the rebel and search the rebel after.

Also, there is no information showing on the checklist of applicants for Amani. Provide the link.

Lastly, the progress of peace rebels taking the SDP in French is not visible in the both the app and checklist section of the fellowship management. Provide link.

Submitted on 23 Apr 2016 07:19 from Ariya App

Molinge Nyoki

Lastly, the progress of peace rebels taking the SDP in French is not visible in the both the app and checklist section of the fellowship management. Provide link.

An example is Espe Mokpokpo Gnassounou who already took the SDP and finished in French but had to re-start in English SDP before her progress could show on the app and checklist section.


Submitted on 24 Apr 2016 17:15 from Ariya App

Andrii Lytvynenko

It's not a technical issue, we require the English SDP to be eligible for fellowship.

Submitted on 24 Apr 2016 18:17 from Ariya App