Ntakarutimana Salvator

Incredible But True, Wonderful Fruits From Meditation

I feel very good, very happy, and my relations have got a lot better!!! As a matter of fact, yesterday I wrote a letter to my mother, with whom I didn't have a very good relation for various reasons (they don´t matter anymore). I decided to make it public, in the letter all I did was thank her for everything, for all she has given me, I told her that there was nothing that she had to regret or feel sorry about, that everything was past, and that now I feel very happy and thankful for everything she is and has been in my life, after all, if it wasn't for her I wouldn't be here, and thanks to whatever she did, I am now in a self development path. Of course the letter was a lot longer, it was very long... after I made it public in Facebook, many people started writing to me, they said that they were very moved because of my words, some people even said they made them cry (in a good sense). People from family, friends, and also people from whom I had not heard in a long time wrote to me saying how good my letter made them feel. It feels so good, its amazing how a simple action like giving thanks can produce such a beautiful reaction around you, and in people you never imagined you could touch

So I write this here because i feel it is all the result of my meditation, and I think it may help someone one day. Spreading loving-kindness is making me and those who surround me feel good, and It feels great to be a medium for loving-kindness in a community.

Submitted on 4 Apr 2016 19:55

Ntakarutimana Salvator

The above messge comes from my rebel who i am coachin. I feel extremely happy and proud of him. His sharing of experiences are really inspiring. Meditation is making miracles. WOW

Submitted on 4 Apr 2016 20:00 from Ariya App

Andrii Lytvynenko

Hi Salvator, it's Technical Support wall, please don't post offtopic here.

https://www.facebook.com/groups/peacecoaches/?fref=ts you can use this group for such posts.

Submitted on 5 Apr 2016 07:43 from Ariya App