Laura Giselle Valadez Jiménez

A Few Questions

Hi, first of all I would love to thank all the team of peace revolution for this amazing opportunity.

I am very interesting on the Thailand retreat of this year, and I've already applied for it.

I just have a few questions before I start with my Self Development program,

I would like to know if this meditation technique you share has a particular name.

The reason why I ask you this is because I am familiarized with meditation since a few years ago, I am starting meditating again since a couple of months so Id love to ask you if its valid for the program to follow half an hour meditation with the technique I already use wich is mainly focusing on my breathe, (anapana). And with each meditation I practice I want to know if I can response to the test you make. 

Well this is all for now, again Thanks a lot for this opportunity.

Peace and Love,


Submitted on 19 Feb 2016 19:49

Andrii Lytvynenko

Hi, this wall is mostly for technical support, but I'll answer you :)

Meditation technique we are teaching is the Dhammakaya technique. The main idea is to place your mind in the center of the body which is two fingers above the navel. Sorry I didn't really understood what test are you talking about could you please explain?

Peace ;)

Submitted on 26 Feb 2016 15:16 from Ariya App