Andrii Lytvynenko
Could you please share the url? It's a technical issue, I'll handle it.
I participated in a Special Ops and was selected to share my experience - become one of the 'Special Ops Enforcers'.
The link in the e-mail I received works, the form for feedback opens normally. But when I try to submit my information, I get a response with only one line of text:
I tried many times over the last 24 hours. Am I doing something wrong (perhaps the text I'm trying to submit is too long?), or is it a technical issue? What can I do besides repeatedly trying again?
Thanks for your replies,
Could you please share the url? It's a technical issue, I'll handle it.
I tried to submit again, just in case it started working on it's own. Now the server is returning HTTP response status code 500 - Internal Server Error, without any content/body.
Here's the whole link I got in the e-mail:
Thank you for yor help.
I tried submitting again today, and I got the same HTTP 500 error. How is the solution coming along?
I am having the same problem My enforcers can't submit their reviews.