Peace Revolution would like to announce the second African Youth AMANI Fellowship in 2016.
5-18 July, 2016, Thailand
“Change Your Mind to Change the World”
Have you ever wondered how you can find your inner peace? Do you feel uncomfortable with the threats to peace and security in Africa? Can there be meaningful development without peace? Africa is one of the fastest growing continents with a lot of young leaders passionate about change and development in their communities. Activists, professionals from different fields and community leaders are emerging everywhere across Africa.
In a bid to develop leaders of character who are passionate about self development and the improvement of their society, Peace Revolution once again welcomes African youth interested in championing the course of peace, to a two week transformative inner journey. Through the Peace in Peace out ( PIPO) concept, participants will learn how to find their own inner peace, and become equipped with the skills to return and respond to the needs of the continent.
Your training starts with a 42 Day online self-development program via our interactive platform, providing you the basic theory and practice to develop the tools for inner peace and learn about the Concept of PIPO - INNER PEACE + OUTER PEACE = SUSTAINABLE WORLD PEACE. The fellowship offers a 2 weeks intensive training program providing participants with deeper insight on the relationship between inner peace and sustainable world peace. The program aims to enhance their ability to create peace within their family, professional and social environment which in turn enhances meaningful development within the African continent. In addition to our intense meditation practice, participants will gain knowledge on various theoretical approaches that include:
After completing the 42 days self-development program, the Peace Revolution selection committee will make an interview appointment based on your performance, available fund as well as group combination in each fellowship. There is no need to write a request for an interview. If you are qualified, we will contact you by ourselves.
Join the African Youth AMANI Fellowship on Facebook.
HI Peace loving people, I am very grateful to see such a magnificent opportunity by PEACE REVOLUTION for young people around the world and especially us African. my kind thanks and appreciation to the Peace Revolution and the generous people of Thailand. finally, i love being part of the forty two(42) days online training and the two weeks workshop for us African.
i love peace i love PIPO this is a great thing to become i am proud of being a peace rebel. i am very happy to see this program coming up i will be happy to be path of the session
this a great youth platform