Ana Milena Quintero Alvarez

Artistic Meditation Retreat


I've been trying to contact someone in order to ask for the interview dates, I'm very very interested on the retreat and I'm wondering when is the interview. If you can help me with this information I really appreciate it. 

Thanks and love,


Submitted on 16 Jul 2015 08:03

Alejandro Gutiérrez Alzate

Dear Ana,

Please write to Jo Holland, Coordinator for the Artistic Meditation Retreat

Best regards, Alejandro

Submitted on 17 Jul 2015 09:11 from Ariya App

Ana Quintero Alvarez

Hi Alejandro,

I already did it before, but I haven't gotten any answer or notice... anyway thanks :)

Submitted on 18 Jul 2015 23:20 from Ariya App