Irene Real
Don't worry, the same happened to me, but after a couple of hours (or next day) your application will appear in your Dashboard :)
I've been trying to submit my Peace Revolution Artistic Meditation Retreat application, but all I see is ,,Save changes'' button (on the bottom of the form), so I'm not sure if it's submitted or not (I don't think it is, because there's ,,Pending'' next to it on my dashboard, but when I click on that button - nothing happens). What should I do? The deadline for submitting the application is nearly over - so I'd be thankful to anyone who can help me!
Don't worry, the same happened to me, but after a couple of hours (or next day) your application will appear in your Dashboard :)
Dear Irene,
Thanks a lot for your answer! :) In fact, my application was on my dashboard from the beginning, only I'm still not sure if it's properly submitted (since I never saw the option ,,Submit'' after I've filled in the application, only ,,Save changes'', so I'm confused).
Dear Jelena,
Your application was submitted successfully and it is in the system. Currently there is not option to send a confirmation email to the applicants.
PIPO, Alejandro.