Peace Architect Joseph Obore
Joseph Obore

Joseph Obore

Mindfulness and Meditation Trainer at World Peace Initiative

  • Uganda

I am Joseph Obore, 31 years old, Etesot by tribe and Ugandan by Nationality. I am action-oriented, committed, team builder, focused, willing to learn, self-driven, hardworking, resilient, and passionate about community-led development. I hold a Bachelor of Development Studies from Makerere University. I founded and now working as the Executive Director of Action for Development of Grassroots Communities (ADEGCO) - a Youth-led Nonprofit and Community Based Organization working with and for young people in shaping their future as the next generation. For more information, follow this link to visit our Website. I am a Certified Mindfulness and Meditation Trainer, Peace Coach and a BetterME Coach working with World Peace Initiative Foundation. I am as well a Peace Architect of Bukedea Peace Club of Uganda.

I have over 5 years’ experience, skills, expertise and knowledge in designing, implementing and evaluating grassroots community development projects. I am good at community mobilization, organizing, building and sensitization. I like networking, creating partnerships and conducting research including data analysis, report writing, proposal and business plan writing. I am an effective communicator, mentor, capacity builder and coach. I am a computer literate and enjoy organizing both online and in-person events. I believe in a continuous learning process in order to have a greater impact in the communities.

I have a strong interest in development ventures/initiatives working towards solving communities’ most pressing challenges. I am a change maker by birth and personality and a social worker/development practitioner by profession/training. As a graduate of Development Studies, I am committed to putting my theoretical knowledge, skills and experience learnt from class in to real life problem solving situations in the field. Also, the discipline prepared me to be the agent of change and lead the process of achieving social impact and development not only in the communities but also in the region and the country as a whole. I am also inspired by various events, the network of like-minded friends, mentors and fellow youth that I have met before and exchanged experiences and ideas.

Peace Tour Events

Workshops conducted

  1. Cleaning of Kamutur Beach in Bukedea


  2. Cleaning Exercise with the Youth


  3. CC Elections, Orientation & Hand Over


  4. School outreach activity


  5. 7th Outreach Session: Bukedea Peace Club of Uganda


  6. Meditation Outreach Session with Women and the Youth


  7. 3rd Outreach Session: Bukedea Peace Club of Uganda


  8. 2nd Outreach session: Bukedea Peace Club of Uganda


  9. 5th Outreach Session: Bukedea Peace Club of Uganda


  10. 6th Outreach Session: Bukedea Peace Club of Uganda


  11. Election of Club Committee


  12. 1st Outreach Session: Bukedea Peace Club


  13. A ward of T-shirts to the most active club members


  14. 4th Outreach Session: Bukedea Peace Club of Uganda
